They don't meet, they nearly meet, they do meet, 10 years is not long enough to describe all the ways in which this is a disaster (but they definitely give it a go), and the world nearly ends before they overcome the general idiocy: a tale of optical feedback, tattoos, and spats. plead duress in mitigation of his punishment.282 Like the doctrine of superior orders, the defense of duress obviously cannot apply in infinite regress.

Ethics III 1) First, actions that are produced by some external force (or, perhaps, under an extreme duress from outside the agent) are taken involuntarily, and the agent is not responsible for them. Infinite Regress follows Blake Yourrick, who is rebuilding his life after accumulating a staggering educational debt. The above problem of an infinite regress has sometimes been incorrectly applied to other cosmological arguments like the contingency (vertical) argument based on the writings of St. Responsible action must be undertaken voluntarily, on Aristotles view, and human actions are involuntary under two distinct conditions: (Nic. Abuse of classic art and literature and film By Joshua Hren (Angelico Press, 2022) Novelist and poet Joshua Hren's latest work, Infinite Regress, pits the existentialist's nihilism against the believer's grip on redemption and salvation.